ICICI Bank - Innovations in Microfinance
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Case Details:
Case Code : FINC041
Case Length : 16 Pages
Period : 1995-2005
Pub. Date : 2005
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : ICICI
Industry : Microfinance
Countries : India
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Bank Led Model
The bank led model was derived from the SHG-Bank linkage program of NABARD. Through this program, banks financed Self Help Groups (SHGs) which had been promoted by NGOs and government agencies.
ICICI Bank drew up aggressive plans to penetrate rural areas through its SHG program. However, rather than spending time in developing rural infrastructure of its own, in 2000, ICICI Bank announced merger of Bank of Madura (BoM), which had significant presence in the rural areas of South India, especially Tamil Nadu, with a customer base of 1.2 million and 77 branches.
Bank of Madura's SHG development program was initiated in 1995. Through this program, it had formed, trained and initiated small groups of women to undertake financial activities like banking, saving and lending. By 2000, it had created around 1200 SHGs across Tamil Nadu and provided credit to them...
Partnership Model
The SHG program had been fairly successful in several states of India, but the reach was limited only to those areas where the bank's branches were operational. The partnership model of ICICI Bank aimed at reaching those areas where the bank did not have any branches.
This model aimed at synergizing the comparative advantages and financial strength of the bank with social intermediation, mobilization power and infrastructure of MFIs and NGOs. Through this model, ICICI Bank could save on the initial costs of developing rural infrastructure and micro credit distribution channels and could take advantage of the expertise of these institutions in rural areas. Initially, ICICI Bank started off by lending to MFIs and NGOs in order to provide the necessary financial support to their activities. Later, ICICI Bank came up with a plan where the NGO/MFI continued to promote their microfinance schemes, while the bank met the financial requirements of the borrowers... |
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